As clean-up efforts continue across Southeast Texas after Tropical Storm Imelda, authorities in Chambers County are working to get a full account of the impact there.
Homeowners who have damage as a result of the storm and flooding are asked to make a report to the county, according to a statement from Fire Marshal Ryan Holzaepfel.
"It is essential that homeowners report damage to their homes so that Chambers County can meet its threshold for a Federal Declaration of Disaster," Holzaepfel said.
If you live in Chambers County and had damage, call (409) 267-2441 to make a report.
The phone number will be answered between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. during regular business hours.
A volunteer-run clean-up assistance list is also being compiled, according to the statement.
Those who need help can call the same phone number to make a request and be placed on a waiting list.
Statewide, the Texas Department of Emergency Management tells ABC13 about 800 homes would have to have suffered major damage or be destroyed and be uninsured or under-insured to qualify for FEMA Individual Aid.
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