Little League baseball team invites sick child to join

Thursday, July 19, 2018
Little League team invites sick child to join team
Little League team invites sick child to join team

LOUISVILLE, Kentucky -- The 11-U Jefferstown All-Stars are currently gearing up for tournament play. One of their teammates, who they added on July 2, has been the motivation to continue their excellent play.

Brandon Bishop, 11, was hoping to join the team from the jump, but a brain tumor halted those hopes. His friend Brendan McKinley invited Bishop to join the team, as he was the only person Bishop knew.

Once McKinley showed teammates the pictures of Bishop in the hospital, head coach Keith Hendrick reminisced on a conversation with Bishop and his family.

"Telling us, how he always wanted to be on a team and be a part of something," Hendrick said.

Cooper Hendrick is one of the players and said him and his teammates wanted Bishop to feel involved. He was invited to throw out a first pitch and sit in the dugout. Songs were even made in support of Bishop.

"I did not know who these kids were and they did all this for me?" Bishop told WAVE. "They gave me a trophy and a baseball and a jersey and they gave me their team plaque and it was amazing. I should be supporting them too and I do, and they support me."

Bishop was named MVP of the tournament. His brother, Zach, said he enjoyed seeing a smile on his brother's face.

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