Oklahoma girl with disability mobile again with help of handy police officers

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Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Police fix disabled girl's wheels
A disabled girl has her wheels back with the help of police

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK (KTRK) -- Police in Oklahoma helped a 12-year-old girl with a disability get her wheels back after her specialized tricycle was damaged by a suspected thief.[br /][br /]Brianna has Dravet syndrome, where it's possible to have more than 60 seizures a day.[br /][br /]Her mother says she was told she could never ride a bike, but was fitted with a specialized therapy tricycle that gave her the chance to ride around and just be a kid.[br /][Ads /][br /]However, a neighborhood kid recently was caught on camera trying to steal the trike and, in the process, tossed it over a fence.[br /][br /]The tricycle was mangled, but police decided to help out when a $5,000 replacement was just too much.[br /][br /]Officers took the bike apart, straightened the frame, and put it all back together. It's something they're familiar with because they work on their own bikes regularly.[br /][br /]Oklahoma City Police Lt. Mike Jackson said, "For that little girl that bike means everything, so it's what we do. ... You could hear her squealing down the road and laughing because she was riding her bike again and that makes it all worthwhile."[br /][br /][url HREF="http://okcfox.com/news/local/okcpd-officers-help-get-metro-girl-back-in-the-fast-lane[br /]" TARGET="" REL=""]KOKH reports[/url] the suspected thief is now in a juvenile detention center.

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