VIDEO: Students watch as Nebraska officer punches student during fight

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Friday, December 18, 2015
Video: Officer caught punching student on camera in Nebraska
A school resource officer was caught on cell phone camera as he started throwing punches while breaking up a fight in Nebraska.

OMAHA, NE (KTRK) -- With increased concerns about school security, school resource officers are a vital tool around the country. But a video out of Nebraska is raising a lot of eyebrows.

An officer went to break up a fight on an Omaha school campus and then began throwing punches as he worked to get control of the scene.

Students got out their phones and recorded the encounter at Millard South High School as the officer is filmed throwing at least three punches. He then subdues a student on the floor.

"We did what people naturally do when they see fights, just stand a stare, pull out their cameras, and start recording," a student says.

The Omaha Police Department has temporarily re-assigned the officer as the school district investigates.

The student who was seen being punched, by the way, was not hurt.

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