Arrests made in Harris County child support roundup

Saturday, April 2, 2016
Arrests made in Harris County child support roundup
Early Saturday dozens of deputies fanned out across Harris County to serve arrest warrants on parents who owe up to $20,000 in tardy payments for the support of their children.

HARRIS COUNTY -- Early Saturday dozens of deputies fanned out across Harris County to serve arrest warrants on parents who owe up to $20,000 in tardy payments for the support of their children.

Several hundred warrants were issued and resulted in the arrest of many divorced fathers and mothers who have violated family court orders by failing to make child support payments.

"We 'execute' all kinds of court orders every day, but it really pulls at our heart strings to see arrest orders showing that defiance of a family court judge means that children are left without proper resources," Constable Alan Rosen said. "We'd rather see deadbeat dads and deadbeat moms avoid arrest by paying down these crucial debts in court."

To check the status of child support obligations: Click here.