West University Council fires city manager

ByLeo Flores, YourExaminerNews.com
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Michael Ross hears public comments in support of keeping him as City Manager at the West University City Council meeting on Monday, Aug. 11. Ross was dismissed as City Manager.

WEST UNIVERSITY, TX -- Nearly 70 residents crowded the West University City Council Chambers Monday night for the finale in the dismissal of the now former West University City Manager Michael Ross.

After hearing public comments, mostly in support of Ross, the council finally voted 3 to 2 to dismiss the city manager who has served the city for 14 years, citing a "lack of confidence." Council Members Ballanfant, Reilly, and Kelly voted to for the dismissal and Mayor Sample and Council Member Turner voted against.

"The city manager under our charter serves at the discretion and pleasure of the city council, and the way our city government works we have to have really good and trusting relationship between the council and the manager. We have said over again that there are those of us up here that don't have confidence in the City Manager," said Councilman Bob Kelly, who made the motion to dismiss Ross.

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