Woodlands firefighters raise money for cancer stricken paramedics

ByBrandon K. Scott, The Courier of Montgomery County
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Michael Minasi/HCN
Paramedic Olivia Kaufman last week thanked The Woodlands Fire Department for its support.

WOODLANDS, TX -- The Woodlands Fire Department was recognized by the Montgomery County Hospital District for taking the initiative of raising money for two paramedics diagnosed with cancer and lymphoma within four months.

Firefighters and paramedics usually work hand-in-hand on emergency scenes, whether it's a motor vehicle crash or structure fire with patients.

For Woodlands firefighter Tyler Leach, stepping in for the ailing medics was no different, given the relationships built through their experiences together.

Olivia Kaufman was diagnosed Stage II breast cancer Sept. 19, 2014 and PJ Mallare was diagnosed with diffused large B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma on New Year's Day.

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