Officials unveil faster mosquito testing technology in Montgomery County

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Thursday, May 26, 2016
Mosquito testing
Justin Fausek, with the Montgomery County Precinct 3 Commissioner's Office, demonstrates how his office now test mosquitoes for West Nile virus in house.

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TX (KTRK) -- With the warmer temperatures and recent rainfall, conditions are right for more mosquitoes, which could lead to excessive breeding of the disease-carrying insects.

However, officials with the Precinct 3 Commissioner's Office now have the ability to test mosquito pools for the West Nile virus in house and have results of those tests within hours. That is allowing the crews to treat areas in the community with West Nile virus-positive mosquitoes much faster.

The cost of the new system, which does not test for the Zika virus, was about $25,000.

This story comes to us through a partnership with The Conroe Courier.

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