MISSOURI CITY, Texas (KTRK) -- Missouri City has added two additional spray days through Oct. 31. in response to the recent heavy rains and an increase in the mosquito population citywide.
In addition to the city's contractor spraying every Thursday, the company will also add Monday and Saturday to its updated schedule, beginning Saturday night.
Spraying will take place by the contractor, Cypress Creek Pest Control, in all communities between the hours of 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.
City staff sprays common areas like parks and green spaces, as the need arises.
An environmentally friendly pesticide, Kontrol 30-30, is used and special attention will be given to locations where mosquitoes swarm.
"The city will proactively continue to monitor this issue, and will keep residents informed of spray schedule plans as we move forward," said City Manager Anthony J. Snipes. "Mosquitoes can be a health hazard and the spraying program is a key prevention measure we have in place to keep the populations low."
Missouri City officials also encourages all residents to prepare themselves by following the 4 D's:
In the event you get a mosquito bite, experts recommend the first-aid procedures below: