Watch kids' hilarious reactions to Kimmel's Halloween candy prank

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Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Hundreds of kids fell for it when their parents participated in Jimmy Kimmel's annual '' I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy'' prank.
Jimmy Kimmel Live/YouTube

Hearing your parents claim "I ate all your Halloween candy" is enough to traumatize most kids. Once again, Jimmy Kimmel Live asked parents to tell this lie and record it so he could put together the best videos. And once again, the kids' reactions did not disappoint.

After years of parents pulling this prank on their kids, you wouldn't think so many would fall for it. But most of them were genuinely upset, throwing tantrums and making exclamations like "You are in big trouble, young lady," through their tears.

The jig is up for some parents, though. Two brothers figured it out, saying "That is totally Jimmy Kimmel-related!"

But Kimmel promises that as long as there are more kids to fall for it, he plans to keep asking grown-ups to help him put together this Halloween treat.

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