Turn to Ted: Furniture delivery goes wrong

ByChris Nocera
Friday, July 13, 2018
Turn to Ted: Delivery crew leaves mess behind
A scratch appears on the floor of a customer.

HOUSTON, Texas -- Clarissa Nadrie's west Houston home sat under water for 11 days after Harvey.

"We had four feet of water in here. We were rescued by boat, just like many others," Nadrie said.

Once all that water cleared out, the walls had to be replaced, the floors, the cabinets, appliances - all redone. And when she thought it was all finally finished, the furniture that was supposed to tie it all together ended up setting her back.

"He just pushed it over the floor and that scratched the entire floor," Nadrie said.

Clarissa told us the delivery team sent by Rooms To Go scratched the floor, dented the walls and confusingly tried to massage a piece of a sectional through a small garage door.

"The frame itself took a beating and of course the door itself," Nadrie said.

Her contractors said it needed to be replaced. But when she called Rooms To Go, it didn't go so well. She got three different answers: we're not responsible, we'll pay $250, we'll pay only $750.

Her estimates were twice as much. So she called us.

"Everything changed," Nadrie said. "They called and they told me that they're going to pay in full."

After we got involved, Rooms To Go agreed to review the claim. They initially blamed it on an outsourced delivery crew, but never tried to avoid responsibility once we called saying they vetted the claim and offered a full repair to take care of their customers.

One thing that helped Clarisa: she documented everything, took photos, got repair estimates and had it all available to show both the store and us.

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