TACOMA, WA (KTRK) -- A feisty grandma in Washington managed to scare off a team of burglars and it was caught on video.
A security camera caught the burglars going from room to room in Guelda Messina's home in Tacoma. The burglars rang the doorbell to see if someone was home and then broke in to the house. Messina thought her husband was still home, but then ran into a burglar who had broken something. She yelled at him to get out and the guys took off.
Messina checked her security video later and realized there were three burglars.
"I just thought someone was here robbing me and you know get the hell out of here but I couldn't imagine anyone coming to harm me. I consider it a very lucky day in my life probably one of the luckiest," she said.
Messina says the burglars only got away with her purse.