Texas registry offers help to those in need during emergency events

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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- With the potential of a hurricane making landfall in Texas this weekend, state officials could order evacuations.

Those who have disabilities or have limited mobility can register for transportation help in times of emergencies.

Under the State of Texas Emergency Assistance Registry, or STEAR, local emergency planners and first-responders receive information on the needs in their community.

Officials urge the following people to register:

  • People with disabilities

  • People who have limited mobility

  • People who have communication barriers

  • People who require additional medical assistance during an emergency event

  • People who require transportation assistance

  • People who require personal care assistance

You can register online here, dial 211 or print and fill out registration forms.

Officials caution registration does not necessarily guarantee reception of service. Services vary by community.

Registrants will need to provide their name, address, phone number and primary language.

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