Hard cider brewed from apples grown in cemetery

Friday, May 25, 2018
Apple cider from a graveyard tree
Do you know where the apples for your apple cider come from? Could they come from an apple tree in a graveyard?

NEW YORK, New York -- A New York man isn't letting the apples from a cemetery in his neighborhood go to waste.

Cider maker Jeremy Hammond is using them to make a nice stiff drink - apple cider.

It's called "Malus Immortals."

According to WCBS-TV, Hammond got the idea from the grave of Samuel Morse.

"I happen to stumble upon a couple of apples on the ground, followed them up to a trail of apples to the top of this hill, where Samuel Morse is buried," says Hammond.

It took a unique partnership with the cemetery to further his passion.

In 2015, management began letting him pick apples from their nearly 150 malus trees on the property.

In the first year, Hammond filled 200 bottles. He's projected to fill more in the years ahead.

"Some people have a green thumb, I have something of a fermenting thumb." said Hammond.