SUGAR LAND, TX (KTRK) -- Such a sweet gesture with some pretty adult like thoughts from a nine-year-old little boy.
His teacher asked the class to do this assignment the other day. She said, if you were a gift, what would you be.
Little Matthew's dad has been a police officer in Sugar Land for nine years, working many late nights on the streets and away from home.
So, Matthew thought about it and this is what he came up with. "If I were to guess I would be a bulletproof vest for policemen. ... It will make them feel safe and it will protect them from bullets and from anything else that will harm them."
We talked to Matthew Morales and his dad, Sgt. Marty Morales.
"All the things going on the nation these days and you try to think the kids are watching, but they really are."
"My dad is been the police for a long time. And I've always just been worried about him some times. (What do you worry about?) Just about him getting hurt... It's OK."
Matthew's dad shared the writing assignment with the police chief in Sugar Land, who shared it with the entire department. Most of the officers say they are touched and happy to know people are thinking of them.