BAYTOWN, TX (KTRK) -- Baytown's last remaining golf course could be shuttered by year's end.
Evergreen Golf Course's future remains uncertain after the public voted down an idea which would have allowed the city to buy the course. City leaders asked voters to approve a $12.5 million bond measure to transition the private run course to a new municipal golf course.
They had modeled the plan after one currently in use by Pirates Bay Waterpark and hoped the public would back the project.
The proposition failed to win support by just 60 votes. Despite the narrow loss, Baytown city manager Rick Davis told abc13 they've heard the public. Davis said Baytown is working closely with developers to find a project everyone is excited about.
"We heard the voters and we, like many other developments and projects in our community, are going to work with property owners to bring something that is a contributor to our community. Right now, a golf course is not a consideration," said Davis. "Voters are the most important voice in our community. If it's not a golf course, our job is to bring something even better and in essence make lemonade out of lemons."
Developers announced last year they intended to close Evergreen to make way for more residential properties.
Davis told Eyewitness News the property's future could be a mixed use project involving residential, retail, and open spaces.
There is no current timeline for the golf course's closure. However, abc13 crews saw surveyors on the property Monday which means plans could already be in the works.