Bellaire FFA students hit by thieves for second time in a year


Crucial equipment for Bellaire High School Future Farmers of America students' horses and other animals disappeared overnight from their barn.

The stolen equipment has an estimated value of $6,000-$10,000.

Call it an evidence trail, starting with a broken padlock and open storage lockers inside the agriculture barn, which is now missing a lot of supplies.

The theft happened overnight at the barn where Amy Armstrong's daughter and other Bellaire FFA students keep their animals.

"They took the better quality feed," Armstrong said. "They knew the difference of the feed."

Compounding the loss is another one last September in which Armstrong's livestock trailer was stolen. It has never been recovered. Now hundreds of dollars in feed and hay was taken, along with expensive leather show halters.

Also stolen was a barbecue pit mounted on a trailer that belonged to a Houston Police Department substation.

The concern is that the thieves could return again.

"What do you do?" Armstrong asked. "Bring a trailer or RV ou here and just start staying out here at night? I mean, we have to do something."

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