UT study focuses on creating device invisible on radars, radio waves


The idea of being invisible may seem far fetched. But don't tell that to a group of researchers at the University of Texas.

"Harry Potter" may be Hollywood fantasy, but at the University of Texas, they really are working on an invisible cloak.

"We can design a surface, an ultra thin cover to put around the object that makes it disappear," UT professor Dr. Andrea Alu said.

The team has combined copper and a thin layer of plastic to hide objects from radio waves.

"We have been able to show that the wave essentially looks the same, if the object is not there or if the cloaked object is there," Dr. Alu.

At this point, what they're testing is still visible to the human eye but invisible to other frequencies.

"If you can put a cover over an antenna or something like this, they don't see each other. So there are very practical applications," UT grad student Jason Soric said.

The UT technology may one day be used to camouflage our military, even to clear clutter for cell phone towers.

"So the object would be truly invisible to radio waves, to radars," Dr. Alu said.

Not Harry Potter's invisible cloak yet but clearly a step closer.

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