Traffic concerns still cloud proposed Afton Oaks development


Homeowners actually like the idea of the development and they support the proposal, except for one traffic headache so they want the city to see it their way.

Chris Seger has lived in his Afton Oaks neighborhood for more than 40 years. He's worried that a new development across Westheimer would change his peaceful surroundings.

"The concern is cut-through traffic, which is traffic that will be coming from this project cutting through Afton Oaks," Seger said.

Homeowners want future traffic to turn right or left through Westheimer instead of cutting through Kettering. Now they just have to convince the city that this modification is the right thing to do.

"We just feel the majority of the traffic leaving the new shopping center really doesn't have any reason through Afton Oaks," homeowner Mary Ward said.

But city engineers denied their proposal, citing in a letter that the city usually doesn't restrict streets with lights, and it would be difficult to enforce. The area's council member hopes that position changes.

"I don't see how it does any harm to have that requirement to turn either right or left other than go straight," Houston Councilman Oliver Pennington said.

Homeowners are also speaking in front of City Council, saying if homeowners and developers actually agree the city should relent.

"We're all in agreement. It is just a matter of the city putting their stamp of approval on it," Ward said.

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