He is talking about what he says investigators found on the Kelley's lost laptop computer. According to Montgomery Co. Precinct 5 constables, the former Magnolia city administrator had hundreds of images of child pornography
"We found over 400 images and the ages of the children appear to be 10 to 15-year-old age group, both male and female," said Constable Hill.
"Nobody should do that to a child," said resident Vivian Kahla.
Deputy constables arrested Kelley Thursday night at the Magnolia Historic Depot as authorities say he was volunteering and hanging lights for a community Christmas parade. Authorities say it's the same place where he lost his computer last week.
"We have information that he was at a meeting there the night before it was found and it either fell off his car," said Constable Hill.
He says a resident found the laptop and while trying to identify the owner discovered the child pornography.
"He claimed ownership when we told him that it had been turned into us as a lost item. He told us that he had lost a computer," Constable Hill said.
"I think it's horrible. I don't think that it should happen. I think we should protect our children," said Kahla.
Kelley, 55, served as the city administrator for about two years, but he has not been in that position since 2010. The constable says Kelley is also an attorney, but says he has a suspended license.
Kelley is in the Montgomery County Jail on four counts of possession of child pornography. His bond is $400,000. Authorities say he could be facing more charges.