Your kids can trick-or-treat at the Houston Police Department event at the HPD Sunnyside storefront at 3511 Reed Road and the Telephone Road storefront at 10201 Telephone. The events last from 5-8 pm.
In other parts of town, children will head out door to door in their neighborhoods again this year and law enforcement wants to remind families not to allow children to go out alone. But if older kids do go out alone, make sure you know their route and they check in on a regular basis.
Drivers should be aware too and slow down in their neighborhoods tonight.
Sex offenders on notice
It's against the law for sex offenders who are on probation to put up Halloween decorations, which may attract kids. Last week, we went along with deputies as they went door-to-door, reminding registered sex offenders who are on probation that, by law, they're not allowed to participate in the holiday.
That means tonight, they can't have their porch lights on. They can't put up decorations. They're not allowed to even answer the door if kids come trick-or-treating.
There are 761 registered sex offenders on probation in Harris County. A couple hundred of them have been identified as high risk.
"One of the highest recidivism rate when it comes to any offender is that of a sex offender, and usually when it comes to attacking our children," said Harris County Precinct 6 Constable Victor Trevino. "That's why we in law enforcement, along with Harris County probation and parole, take it very serious to be proactive."
It's important to remember, though, that deputies are only tracking high risk sex offenders who are currently on probation.
Registered sex offenders are allowed to participate in Halloween as long as they're not on probation. So it's up to you to take precautions.