Hispanic community urged to register to vote


It's all part of the "Todos a Votar" tour, hosted by LULAC.

Visitors to a southeast Houston neighborhood brought a reminder to Patricia Telles and her neighbors that Election Day is around the corner, and it's time to register to vote.

"I've never voted before, so this year we're planning on voting," Telles said.

Latino voter advocates were out in full force Saturday morning, walking city streets and talking about the importance of registering to vote in the November election.

"It's important for the Latino community to vote because it's their turn to get heard," registered voter Manuela Alvarado said.

Those voter advocates feel recent controversy in Texas over the passing of a state voter ID law in addition to a prolonged re-districting battle, may have Latino voters more confused than ever about the process.

"We're educating our community, making sure that they undertsand that their right to go vote is still there, and that they must register," said Baldomero Garza, LULAC national vice president for the southwest. "They must go vote."

So that's where Saturday's efforts came in: education and registration as the first steps to getting voters to the polls.

"I feel like I'm finally going to put my two cents in," Telles said.

The deadline in Texas to register to vote is October 9.

For more information, visit votetexas.gov or in Spanish at votetexas.gov/es.

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