They are holding a cook-off today help raise funds to pay for repairs and their monthly bills so they can stay open and continue helping veterans in need.
"There's a history there. People have a story to tell, and I'm one of the ones that love to hear them," event coordinator Callie Cavazos said.
We spoke to Cavazos and Lillian Weller, president of the Ladies Auxiliary, about their efforts to keep the doors at Post 4395 open.
Part of the problem, they said, is a decrease in membership and interest. Most VFW members were in wars of the past, such as World War II, Vietnam and Korea. Not many veterans come home from Iraq and Afghanistan and join their local VFW.
"We just need to get more activities, family functions and things that will get everybody involved, and I think that will have more of a turnout," Weller said.
The VFW cook-off goes until 11:30pm today at 7407 Spencer Highway in Pasadena. For more information, call 713-584-3589.