We found out what dads really want, and you may be surprised at how inexpensive it can be.
If you are anything like me, you want to get it right, but it's hard to decide on what is the perfect Father's Day gift. So we went straight to dads for answers, and in the end, some of my collegues were scratching their heads about it
If you think you have to spend a lot of money to get dad something he really wants, think again.
"I'm hoping that we get to go out and have a nice family dinner," father Chris Torres said.
Sure, dreaming is fun...
"A big box with money," father Aurelio Depass said.
Then there are the traditional gifts like shirts and ties and socks. Dads say that's OK, but it's the memorable gifts that matter the most.
"Picture of all the girls and the granddaughters would be great," father Robert Brown said.
But what about something really inexpensive? Something quirky and fun, something dad can actually use? Before I wrap this 99-cent back scratcher for my own dad, I thought I'd try it out on some ABC13 dads.
"I like it, comes in handy. I'm all about function," Eyewitness News anchor Erik Barajas said.
"Well, I don't know what to say," Eyewitness News anchor Tom Abrahams said and laughed.
"Aww man, that's perfect! That's great, I love this!" Eyewitness News anchor Art Rascon said.
"Oh a back scratcher! My four-year-old will be so happy that he doesn't have to do this anymore," KTRK meteorologist Travis Herzog said.
"Listen it works, it's better than standing up against the wall," KTRK chief meteorologist Tim Heller said.
"This is great. I get threats but never gifts," 13 Undercover reporter Wayne Dolcefino said. "I kind of like it because as you age, the ability to scratch the middle part of your back gets more difficult."
In the end, the dads we talked to agree: It's not how much you spend, but how much time spent together that means the most.
"Best fathers day gift ever, just hanging out with my wife and two little boys," Barajas said.
"Well they like to go to a pottery place and they usually make me something, whether's it's a mug or a kiss or something like that, so I always like that," Abrahams said.
"For me? Hanging with my kids, having them on either side, hugging them is good enough for me," Dolcefino said.
"Time, time with the children. That's the best," Rascon said.
And lastly you may want to consider skipping the store-bought card and go for the handmade Father's Day card. Sure, that will save you a few bucks, but even over that, most dads say those are the most memorable.