On Tuesday afternoon, the books are being delivered to Bonham Elementary, Garcia Elementary, Whidby Elementary, Gregory-Lincoln Elementary, Kashmere Gardens Elementary, High School Ahead Academy, and Worthing High School.
HISD says several campuses plan to use the books to enhance their library collections, while others will use the books to supplement classroom libraries. One school will also give some of the books to students to encourage summer reading.
"This generous donation of books will enhance the literacy of hundreds of HISD students," said Dr. Alicia Thomas, HISD Deputy Chief Academic Officer. "One of the greatest gifts you can give a child is to teach them at an early age the importance of reading every day."
The Neuhaus Education Center (NEC) says since 1980 it has been dedicated to the prevention of reading failure and provides teachers professional development in research-based methods of literacy instruction. Nearly 7,000 HISD teachers have received training at NEC on literacy intervention strategies.
H-E-B says its goal is to collect 1 million books for children in need.