Man accused of dousing wife with gas, threatening to set her on fire in Texas City


Kentrick Tamarkus Jones, 25, is charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Texas City police say on April 15, Jones and his wife, Gaylin Denise Jones, got into an argument over where he had been the night before. Gaylin Jones says she left the apartment in the 3400 block of 9th Ave. N. in fear of a fight breaking out between the two when Kentrick Jones poured gas on her, flicked a cigarette lighter and threatened to light her on fire.

Gaylin Jones then ran to her friend's apartment. Police were called, but officers were unable to find her husband, they say.

Texas City police say Gaylin Jones, 20, didn't require medical treatment

Bond has been set at $80,000. Kentrick Jones is not in custody, but police say they've been in contact with him, attempting to get him to turn himself in.

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