It happened in Rosenberg during a 72-hour period last week and it has the Scouts and police alike shaking their heads in disbelief.
"Who steals from Boy Scouts or stuff that's parked in front of a church?" asked Larry Grissett, Scout Master Troop 1630.
That's a question that Rosenberg police say they'll have a tough time answering after someone stole the storage trailer for Boy Scout Troop 1630. Grissett says someone cut through the chain and took eight years worth of equipment.
"We're out here often getting stuff in and out of the trailer because this is where we store all of our equipment. They could have came in and seen us in and out of the trailer. The trailer wasn't marked," Grissett said.
The white, unmarked trailer was insured. But the $10,000 worth of gear inside of it was not.
"We had a bunch of tents for all of the boys, as well as a bunch of backpacking tents, Dutch ovens, chimneys, all the propane bottles, lanterns, patrol boxes, custom made patrol boxes," said Rick Conley, Troop 1630 Advisor.
Conley is the dad who hand-built those patrol boxes with his son.
"Somebody decided they needed it more than we did," Conley said.
What is especially frustrating for the 31 boys in Troop 1630 is that the troop supplies all of the gear -- gear which is now gone.
"The only thing a boy brings is his personal belongings, his clothes and his sleeping bag. The troop provides everything else," said Conley.
The church where they meet and where they parked their trailer is offering to help with a fundraiser given the troop's next planned camp out is only a month away.
"We'll hopefully have enough equipment that we can just get by with that trip," Grissett said.
The white trailer, though unmarked, does have a Texas license plate -- 31Y YFL.
If you have information about the theft, you are asked to call Rosenberg police.