Fight to save oak tree in League City continues


Residents say they believed everything had been worked out to stop the historic tree from being cut down, but now that may not be the case.

Residents gathered Sunday evening for a vigil to show their support for the tree, saying it is a part of League City's history.

The massive oak tree is on the corner of F.M. 518 and Louisiana Street. Residents say it is more than 100 years old and was planted by the Ghirardi family back when this was their homestead.

The problem: It is right in the path of plans to widen and improve Louisiana St.

A nearby subdivision and other developments have increased traffic in the area and construction is underway to improve the roadway. While street construction is a county project, it is up to the City of League City to provide the required right-of-way.

The city manager tells us all other right-of-ways along Louisiana St. have been secured. While the issue is in executive session -- meaning it's not yet open for public discussion -- the council is in negotiations with the property owner.

Besides cutting down the tree, there is the option of moving the tree. The city manager says that could cost as much as $275,000.

City officials say they have the funds for any decision they make, but neighbors say the right decision is to save the tree.

Members of a group called Friends of the Ghiradi Compton Oak say they have their own ideas, including the creation of a pocket park at the site.

"This is the League City hike and bike trail here, and it's really the only large tree between [F.M.] 2094 and [Highway] 146," Leslie Mize with Friends of Ghirardi Compton Oak said.

The city manager says there is no time frame to make this decision.

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