High was last seen six days ago. Her family says they have not heard from her since.
They've been searching around as much of the city as they can.
The Laura Recovery Center set up a command post in the AMC movie theater parking lot on Beltway 8 near the Gulf Freeway. The post is plastered with photos of the missing woman and volunteers have been coming by to help with the search efforts.
High's employer, Chase Bank, is now stepping in by hiring a private investigator to help the family locate her.
For several days now, High's children have been plastering the community with photos and fliers of their missing mom.
"We just don't know. We can't find her anywhere. There's just no leads. There's nothing. Nobody seems to have seen her, and people just don't vanish," McClure said.
High mysteriously disappeared Sunday night and never showed up for work at her job at Chase Bank.
On Saturday, High's family and volunteers organized another search party, passing out maps of the area and driving around neighborhoods looking for the Dodge Avenger rental car she was driving.
"I'm scared. I'm very scared. I worry that, I want to know where she's sleeping. Is she warm? Is she scared? Has she had something to eat? Is she cold? I just want her home," McClure said.
Chase Bank is putting missing persons fliers in mailings to customers. The woman's family and friends believe she may still be in the city somewhere, disoriented or confused.
They're even more concerned that she hasn't had her medicine since Monday morning.
"My fear is that she could be passed out somewhere, and we just need to find her and bring her home," McClure said.
A team of volunteers with Texas Equusearch is expected to help out with the search for High when it continues on Sunday.
Anyone with information on her whereabouts is encouraged to call police.