TAKS test rescheduled for TX City students

TEXAS CITY, TX Due to an emergency situation within the industrial plants in Texas City, TCISD canceled school on Tuesday, April 26 so that residents could remain under a shelter in place order.

"We always make decisions on what is best for kids," said Superintendent Dr. Bob Brundrett. "What was best for kids today was to stay safely at home."

Tuesday, April 26 was a TAKS testing date. The Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) is a standardized test used in Texas elementary and secondary schools to assess students' attainment of reading, writing, math, science and social studies skills required under Texas education standards.

The Texas Education Agency required Texas City ISD to push back the testing schedule by one day. Therefore, the new testing schedule is as follows:

  • Wednesday, April 27 - Grades 3, 4, 6, 7 and 10 – Mathematics; Linguistically Accommodated Testing (LAT) for Grades 3, 4, 6 and 7 – Reading; LAT for Grade 10 – English Language Arts (ELA); Exit Level ELA Retest
  • Thursday, April 28 - Grades 3, 4, 6 and 7 – Reading; Exit Level - Mathematics; Exit Level Mathematics Retest
  • Friday, April 29 - Grades 5, 8, 10 and Exit Level Science; Grade 9 - Mathematics; Exit Level Science Retest
  • Monday, May 2 - Grades 8, 10 and Exit Level - Social Studies; LAT Grades 5, 8 and 10 - Science; Exit Level Social Studies Retest
Texas City ISD is consulting with TEA on the options for making up the instructional day. A decision will be forthcoming. Texas City ISD has already scheduled Monday, May 30 as the make up day for February 4, when the district had to cancel school due to inclement weather.

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