New law prompts jump in TX organ donors

HOUSTON To watch Dallas Foster on stage, you'd probably never know that "Just Got Lucky" is more than just the name of his band. Eleven years ago, after contracting the flu and suffering from congestive heart failure, Foster got a new heart.

Now, aside from playing in his band, Foster spends much of his time trying to teach others about the need for more donors.

Texas has seen a big jump in new registered donors. A new law took effect in January and it makes signing up online or at a driver's license office a lot easier and makes your choice binding. But still there is a need. An estimated 3,000 people in Houston, 10,000 in Texas are awaiting transplants. There just are not enough registered donors to keep up with the constant demand.

The National Donor Registry estimates that one person signs up every 13 minutes. But every 17 minutes someone dies awaiting a what would be a lifesaving transplant. Learn how you can sign up to be a donor.

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