Are you seeing more bugs around Houston?

HOUSTON According to pest control companies we talked to, the wet winter and now summer weather has caused an increase in those pests. It's not just your backyard that's seeing more pests, and very soon you'll be seeing many more.

The middle of the day at Memorial Park is relatively bug-free.

"There is nothing. I did not see any," said Bob Bunoza.

However, he knows to stay away at sunset.

If you think you are seeing more mosquitoes where you live, you're not alone.

"This pergola that we are under is a perfect place for mosquitoes to hide. There is no wind so a homeowner can sit at this table and a mosquito will detect the carbon dioxide, the breath," said Steve Martin of ABC Home and Commercial Services.

Martin says the mosquitoes are here thanks to a wet winter. And thanks to Hurricane Alex, you can expect even more mosquitoes in your backyard in about two weeks because that's how long it takes for a mosquito egg to turn into a flying pest.

"We can expect that from this Saturday, about 14 days, we can just set our watch by it, in about 14 days," Martin said.

By now, you probably know to make sure there is no standing water around your home, but even the best maintained yards often have a mosquito breeding ground. It's a common mistake most homeowners make - the trash can lid. One we saw had been holding water for weeks and is large enough to house thousands of mosquito larvae.

As if flying insects are not enough, Martin says you probably will be seeing a lot more roaches, ttoo.

"It seems like the rain brings everything out. Water will displace roaches that are living out in the flower beds and things like that, so we will see an increase number of American and Smokey Brown Cockroaches," said Martin.

For the best way to keep mosquitoes away, Consumer Reports found six bug repellents that really work:

  • Deep Woods Off Sportsmen II
  • Cutter Backwoods Unscented
  • Off FamilyCare Smooth & Dry
  • 3M Ultrathon Insect Repellent 8
  • Repel Plant Based Lemon Eucalyptus
  • Natural 8-Hour with Picaridin

For more info on these products, click over to the Action 13 Consumer blog here.
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