Heat causes feeder road to buckle

HOUSTON It was an unexpected situation for drivers on the 610 East Loop feeder near I-10 last night, but the good news is that crews have completed repairs and the road is now open.

TxDOT says the concrete along the stretch of the feeder was heated up by Monday's high temperatures, so much so that the road actually buckled because of it. Chunks of the road actually flew across both lanes of the feeder, and the problem even shut down an intersection nearby.

Drivers who were not expecting the delay at first thought there was regular road construction going on, but they say after they heard why the road was torn up, they were not surprised.

"When I came out, all I had to do was walk from here to the truck and about that distance and I was soaking wet," said driver Joseph Wilson. "It's just that hot."

The repairs were completed just before 5:30am so the morning commute will not be affected.

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