Double your savings this weekend

HOUSTON Coupon experts say it has been a while since they've seen a grocery chain double coupons up to a dollar in our area. Well it's about to happen on Saturday. With some coupons you can get some products free, if you take the time to get ready right now.

For a serious coupon clipper like ABC 13 Super Saver Erin Libranda, the Kroger Saturday double deal is like Christmas, New Year's and her birthday all rolled into one.

Libranda says there is reason for everyone to get excited. On Saturday only, Kroger stores in Texas will double coupons up to one dollar. For Libranda, that means coupon cutters can find free food on nearly every aisle.

"You've got $1 off Yo-Plus yogurt four-pack, so that will double to $2 and these are $1.99 so those will be completely free," said Libranda.

The same holds true for Uncle Ben's Rice.

"You can look and see, any of these Uncle Ben's with that coupon, they are going to be free," said Libranda.

What isn't completely free is still a deal. Check out what the doubling of a dollar coupon does to the price of Welch's juice.

''So those are $2.28 and so that will be only $.28," said Libranda.

The values certainly surprised shoppers who have yet to hear about the double coupon deal.

"That's great because I know I spend $5 on juice alone," said Lori Rogers.

If you do not already have stacks of coupons, you still have time to get in on the savings. Libranda says go to manufacturer web sites and look for printable coupons or go to coupon web sites like to print even more.

Libranda says the coupon deal is Kroger's way to keep up with HEB.

"I think there is a lot of competition with HEB right now with a new one opening, so it's a rush to figure out how to keep people in the stores," said Libranda.

While HEB is not declaring an all out price war with Kroger, the chain does offer free food deals too. Take the current meal deal, buy $8 of pre-cooked chicken and you can walk out with $9 in free food.

"A customer comes in, purchases one item, they get 7, 10, 14 items for free," said Cyndy Garza of HEB.

The Kroger coupon deal is good for printed coupons that they double up to one dollar. There are some restrictions, for instance you can only use the double coupon on one like item per transaction and there is no cash back. This happens Saturday only at all Kroger stores in Texas.

Libranda has done a great job of putting those web sites together here on her Super Saver blog.

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