"He was such a sweet child. Always happy, always smiling. We're never going to get that again," said Mable Provost.
Mable has been waiting for answers in the murder of her grandson, Naval seaman August Provost, but his family now believes they may never get them.
'We can't hear from him. We can't hear the truth," said Mable.
The Camp Pendleton Naval Base has confirmed their suspect, Petty Officer Jonathan Campos committed suicide Friday, choking himself by ingesting a large amount of toilet paper.
Records show Campos, who was on suicide watch, was fine at 11:45am, but unresponsive when guards checked on him 35 minutes later. By 1:15pm, he was dead.
August's family says Campos took with him any chance of closure.
"In our hearts, we will always wonder how did he feel?" said Mable.
The military says it has traced the events leading to August's death on June 30. When Campos was picked up for a DUI earlier in the month, his superiors scheduled a military review which they say would've likely led to his discharge.
So on June 30, they believe he struck back in trying to set fire to a landing craft.vHowever, while breaking into the compound, investigators say Campos encountered August Provost on guard, shot him multiple times, stole his gun, and set him on fire to hide the evidence.
Now, a grandmother says she'll never truly understand why.
"Mad. I'm mad," said Mable.
When investigators finally arrested Campos on July 23, they charged him with more than a dozen crimes including burglarizing a fellow service member's house to steal an X-box, jewelry, and a pistol, and soliciting a civilian to kill one of the military investigators to which he was being asked to report.
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