Link: Register for tickets to attend Jackson memorial
No tickets will be sold for the event. Fans must register to get tickets on Staples Center's Web site. Registering for tickets does not guarantee the registrant tickets. The tickets will be randomly distributed; it is not first-come-first-serve.
Registration for tickets is now open and ends at 6 p.m. PT on Saturday, July 4. People will be notified on Sunday if they have been chosen to receive tickets. Two tickets will be issued to each randomly selected attendee.
Wristbands will be issued to those who get tickets.
Only one entry per person will be accepted, and the offer is valid to U.S. residents only.
The service will not be simulcast on big screens outside the arena as previously reported. Officials are urging all fans who do not get tickets to stay home and watch the memorial service live on TV or online, and not gather outside the arena. Officials also say there will be no funeral procession.
No other details were given about the memorial service.