Heat can damage your windshield

HOUSTON If you drive around Houston long enough, chances are your windshield will get hit by a rock. If it does, you should get it taken care of before it costs hundreds to fix.

Hot weather is more than an inconvenience, it can lead to a costly repair. Elisa Hayes said the weather is to blame for what happened to the side window of her husband's car.

"He was on his way home from work and he was on his way to pick up the children, all of a sudden he heard a loud pop and he said one of the passenger windows imploded," said Hayes.

An accident caused a similar problem with this minivan, but the driver told us the heat did the same thing last year.

"There is about three or four drops of glue in there," said

Windshield repair men said a rock probably caused those shattering problems, but the heat can certainly wreak havoc on your windshield.

"It will get to 120 degrees in that car. It puts stress on the glass and because it is two pieces of glass, that heat stress is going to make it crack further," said windshield repairman Bill Bradley.

Bradley repairs windshields in Pasadena. He said tiny cracks come with a tiny repair cost.

"Only $39.95 and with an insurance company if you have the coverage it is free," Bradley said.

However, in this heat, ignoring that star can turn into an expensive windshield replacement.

"It can cost you $200 to $400. It can get expensive depending on which kind of car your drive," said Bradley.

He said if you get a small chip on your windshield, you should have it repaired in a day or two because when temperatures break the 100 degree mark, it does not take long for the problem to spread.

"It was just a little star a while ago, and then they go to get in the car to go to work and now it's six feet long across the windshield, the heat can do that too," Bradley said.

While waiting for the fix, simply keeping the windows open can keep the problem in check.

"Leave the windows down about an inch. You can't get your arm inside to unlock it if it's only down an inch," said Bradley.

Tinted windows can keep the heat down in your car, but once you get a chip it does not matter, the hot weather can still cause that tiny chip to expand.

Also, your cell phone can get overheated and stop working, and CDs can melt, so keep them off the dash board.

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