"Tells the teller that he wants 20s, 50s and 100s and it's no joke. He does threaten violence if they don't," said Brian Ritchie with the FBI.
Carrying a note and making a simple but direct demand, FBI investigators and police say one man has pulled off five successful bank robberies in only a week.
"He's concentrated down in the Montrose, Southwest Freeway area," said Ritchie.
He's hit stand alone banks, including a Comerica near Buffallo Speedway Friday.
That's opposite from another man who investigators say hits banks inside grocery stores. Instead of using a note, he carries a gun and make sure everyone in the bank knows a robbery is in progress.
"Extremely violent in nature, waving the pistol around at the tellers and customers, ordering people to get down," said Ritchie.
FBI agents believe he's pulled of 4 recent robberies. Regardless to the approach, investigators believe until both men are stopped, the robberies will continue.
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