After our last story aired, we were flooded with emails and phone calls from viewers who want to learn exactly how it's done. So, our expert couponer volunteered to take our beginner couponers on a field trip. It's Saturday morning and a group of women has gotten together to go shopping, grocery shopping that is.
As the women organize their shopping list, clip coupons and even trade for their favorites, they're guided by the watchful eye of the woman quickly becoming known as Houston's coupon queen. Erin Libranda will teach these first-timer-savers how to coupon and learn the lingo.
Most have never couponed, but before the day is done they will walk away with knowledge and motivation to start saving.
Crysta Bobyleb is trying to pay her way through college.
"Everything is going up and the paycheck not going up," she said. "I just want to keep more money in my pocket and I can do that using coupons."
Julie Nollkamper is a working mother of two.
"With gas prices, it's really taking a toll on us, because my husband and I both drive 20-30 miles each way for work," Julie said.
It was Julie's husband who convinced her to start collecting coupons after he saw Erin's story.
"He told me to watch the story online and I did and from that moment on I was addicted," she said.
So with Erin at their side, these women hit the grocery-store running.
Almost everyone on the field trip picks up whole wheat pasta. Erin shows them how her dramatic savings system works.
The pasta is on sale for $1.29. With 50 cents off coupon that doubles at Kroger, the ladies will walk away paying only 29 cents for their box of pasta.
Erin told the beginners to keep it simple at first. Only look for sale items and find the coupons to match.
So how did some of our first-timers do?
It was $2.51 for Crystal's entire grocery list! Without coupons it would have been $23. She says she's hooked.
And how did the group do as a whole?
There were 18 shoppers and our grand total before coupons was over $700, but after coupons it was $225!
Erin plans to hold more classes if there is a demand. She doesn't charge a dime because she says it doesn't make sense because she is teaching people how to save.
For more information click here.
Send Erin Libranda a message if you are interested in attending a Coupon Field Trip. Blog address: