Meanwhile, Alanda Sylvester, the grandmother of the children, says she received nasty text messages from the children's mother, Jerilynn St. Cyr. She took the messages to Pasadena police and had a question for detectives.
"I just asked them, 'Does this sound like a grieving parent, that you could even be thinking on this level because I can't'," she said.
We can't show you the entire text message. There are too many expletives. Here's part of a test sent Tuesday: "U evil (expetive) son took my kids - u probably know where they are - I don't trust u or your son."
It's one of two angry emails sent to Sylvester on Tuesday from a woman she identifies as St. Cyr.
Meanwhile, the search expanded east and north Thursday. A remote plane with a camera used to access heavy brush was used. The two children were last seen Sunday playing in the tennis courts at their Pasadena apartment complex.
Their father, Randy Sylvester, remains in Pasadena police custody. He's a suspect in the case.
"Whoever has done something to my grandkids, whether it's my son, and that's another problem I have to deal with because that's still my son and I love him," said Sylvester. "that's still my child, whether he did something, she did something, both of them did something. I don't care. I want them prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."
Pasadena police don't consider the children's mother a suspect.
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