Officer's widow threatens to sue city

HOUSTON Juan Quintero will receive either life in prison or death for killing Officer Rodney Johnson in September 2006. As the jury deliberated yesterday, Johnson's widow, an officer herself, talked to Eyewitness News about her fight to change HPD policy.

Her husband was riding alone the day he stopped Quintero. She thinks every patrol car should have two people in it.

"I just want my brothers and sisters in blue to be safe and I don't want anything to happen to them," said widow Joslyn Johnson. "We have lots of couples in this department and I know they wouldn't want to go through what I've gone through and I would not wish it on anyone."

Johnson is threatening to sue the city and the Houston Police Department. She says she doesn't want any money, just a change in policy.

Yesterday, Johnson and her attorney filed a lawsuit against Quintero's former employer.

Robert Camp currently faces federal charges for harboring an illegal immigrant. Johnson is claiming Camp was negligent to employ Quintero, an illegal immigrant and convicted criminal. She is suing for $10 million.

In a statement to Eyewitness News, Camp's attorney says:

    "While Mr. Camp and his family have the greatest sympathy for the Johnson family, the lawsuit doesn't have any merit and we will address it in court."

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