Texas Hispanic population booming

HOUSTON In Texas alone, we now have 8.6 million Hispanics. Nationwide, there are 45.5 million with Hispanics making up more than 15 percent of the U.S. population.

The Latino population in the U.S. has been growing rapidly, looking at census numbers since 2000. In Texas, we've seen an increase of more than 27 percent in the Hispanic population since 2000. It's a topic being talked about a lot because it's an election year.

These increases are reportedly coming from births more than immigration.

When you look at Hispanic population growth and the most recent year of census data, from July 2006 to July of last year, nationwide, there was an increase of 1.4 million Hispanics in that year alone.

South Carolina saw the greatest percentage increase at 8.7 percent in just one year.

When it comes to Hispanic population growth since 2000, the percentage increases are astounding; nationwide, more than 27 percent, and topping the list for the greatest percentage changes is South Carolina at a 76 percent increase. Tennessee and Arkansas are hovering around 72 and 71 percent, respectively.

Even Congress is taking note. It passed legislation this week to study whether to add a new museum in the Smithsonian Institution System centering on the contributions of U.S. Hispanics.

More than 200 pro-immigration rallies are planned today across the country and in every single large city in Texas, including one in downtown Houston.

Today's rally is planned for 2pm outside the Leeland Federal Building on Louisiana. The march will proceed through downtown, ending at Antioch Park on Smith and Andrews.

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