Guest Chefs who volunteered for this first time fundraiser: Chef Lann Perkins, Instructor/ Clear Springs High School , Chef Roland Kyburz, Executive Chef / South Shore Harbor Resort, Chef Justin Yoakum, Executive Chef /The Aquarium Restaurant, Chef Paul Mendoza, Director of Culinary Arts / Galveston College, Chef Robert Maccarone, Child Nutrition - Executive Chef / CCISD, Chef Leonard Pringle, Instructor / San Jacinto College, Chef Jeffery Alreche, Cooking Coach / HEB, Chef Leslie Bartosh, Instructor / Alvin Community College, and Josh Hairgrove, General Manager / The Aquarium Restaurant
The Culinary Arts Program is new to the Clear Creek Independent School District. Students who graduate from the three year program have the opportunity to earn certifications that will qualify them to be accepted into college level culinary courses and to work professionally as a prep chef.
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