The ANPC will enhance instructional opportunities outside the classroom by offering four integrated educational components to students that will fully develop their laboratory nursing skills and communication skills. The expected outcome is to increase the number of HCC Coleman students graduating and passing the national licensure exam, thereby adding more registered nurses into the workforce. The four components of the ANPC will develop proficiency in English language skills for non-native speakers, medical terminology vocabulary, medication dosage calculations and provide student success workshops and tutoring services.
HCC Coleman graduates are leaders state-wide in the percentage passing the NCLEX-RN. This month the registered nursing program received commendation from the Texas Board of Nursing for the 95 percent pass rate of HCC Coleman graduates on the NCLEX-RN, as well as continued full approval and accreditation of the registered nursing program at HCC Coleman.
The initial two-year project will begin June 1, 2008.
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