During the tournament, teams competed in a modified round robin format with the final two teams competing for the title of National Champion in a best 2- out of 3- final series on center stage in the Grand Ballroom of the Orlando Hilton Disney World Resort before hundreds of fellow academic competitors, educators and friends.
This year Prairie View A&M made it to the Sweet Sixteen but was eliminated in the first round by Louisiana's Grambling University. And while Alabama's Oakwood University went on to win the National title and a $50,000 grant, students from Texas Southern, Paul Quinn College, Jarvis Christian College, Texas College and Prairie View A&M also received grants for their participation in the competition.
Now in its 19th year, the Honda Campus All-Star Challenge is an academic competition that celebrates the proud academic heritage of the nation's Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and showcases the great minds these institutions produce. In all, HCASC has touched more than 50,000 HBCU students and awarded more than $4 million in grants to HBCUs to improve campus life through facility improvements and expanded academic resources.
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