Can I use Small Claims Court to sue a neighbor who tore down my fence?
You may sue in small claims court, as long as your damages are less than $10,000. You may not sue, however, to "force" him to do anything. Small claims courts can only award a money judgment. In your case, you would sue for what it will cost to have the fence replaced.
Am I entitled to a paid leave when I have a child? My employer has told me any leave will be without pay.
Under the Family and Medical Leave Act, you may be entitled to up to 12 weeks leave, depending on the size the company and how long you have worked there. The law, however, does not require that the leave be with pay. All you are legally entitled to is an unpaid leave.
This Saturday is the People's Law School out at the University of Houston Law Center. This is your chance to get free information about the law and your legal rights.
Forty volunteers lawyers, judges and law professors will teach classes in 14 different areas of law. The program is absolutely free but you must register. CLICK HERE to register.
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