Open casting call for Hollywood film

HOUSTON There's an open casting call for folks to be considered for both speaking and non-speaking roles in an upcoming "major Hollywood family movie" to be filmed in Texas. According to the casting company, they're looking for people of all ages and ethnicities, and are especially looking for older adults with weathered faces, people of all ages with interesting, expressive faces, expectant mothers, outdoorsmen 25-45 years old, children and families.

An open casting call will be held in Houston on Saturday, February 23, 2008 from 11am to 5pm at One Americas Plaza, 2311 Canal Street.

The casting call will consist of a brief talk with a member of the casting team and possibly an interview on camera. All participants should bring a non-returnable photo.

Interested parties may call an information line at 512-637-9782 or email, though no appointment is necessary.

While acting experience is not necessary, the production will provide compensation on the scale of professional actors. Filmmakers are specifically looking for people with timeless, non-modern, or unique looks.

While details of the project are being kept confidential during the casting process, the filmmakers have been nominated for Academy Awards and have produced numerous films that are considered to be critically acclaimed around the world.

As Bob Hudgins, the Director of the Texas Film Commission, has said, "The filmmakers are known to us and are well-respected both nationally and internationally. I assure you that this is a professional, legitimate film project, and one that I expect we'll all be proud of."

Filming will commence in March in Central Texas.

Francine Maisler Casting has cast films such as "Spider-Man", "Miami Vice" and "As Good As It Gets."

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