All-day wine bar coming to the Heights

Friday, April 6, 2018
HOUSTON -- Heights-area wine lovers are about to have a new favorite hangout spot.

Postino Wine Cafe, the all-day wine bar and restaurant from Arizona-based restaurant group Upward Projects, announced April 3 that it will open at the Heights Mercantile mixed-use development on April 11. The company's first Texas location will open only six months after Postino co-founder Lauren Bailey revealed the company's plans to CultureMap.

Unlike a wine bar that's only open at night, Postino is open all day, starting at 11 am during the week and 9 am on weekends. That gives it all-day utility that's more like a coffee shop than a wine bar. The restaurant's fans are as likely to use it as a place to study for law school exams over a glass of wine - just $5 every day from 11 am to 5 pm - as they are to meet there at night for a dinner date.

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