
Smoked Pies? Why not!

Wednesday, December 18, 2024
FRIENDSWOOD, Texas -- Tyler Sublett goes by Texas Pie Guy. He has put a smoky twist on traditional pies.

"If you like the smoky flavor of barbecue, and you like the sweetness of a pie, I found a way to marry the two together," Sublett said.

Instead of baking the pies, the former construction worker cooks them in his handmade smokers.

"Some people say, 'Oh, this tastes like bacon. Oh, this taste like brisket' but nah, it's just smoked pies," Sublett shares.

Click the video above to see the story.

You can find Texas Pie Guy at the Houston Farmers Market on December 21 and 22.

To know where he will be next visit his Instagram page or you can order pies through his website, here.