David Jay devotes life to demystifying asexuality

Tuesday, August 20, 2024
NEW YORK -- Asexuality.org founder David Jay has spent his entire adult life trying to demystify asexuality.

Jay says it's a unique challenge because, "We live in a world that tells you if you're not sexual, you're not forming relationships that matter. They tell you if you're not sexual, you're going to be alone forever. Those things aren't true! I've lived my life proving those things aren't true."

Jay began to realize he was different around the time he hit puberty. "I was sitting there waiting for this thing to happen to me. Waiting and waiting and just not having it happen. And there was a point where I said, 'You know, I have to start understanding the life I'm living now."

In 2001, when he was just 18 years old, Jay launched the website asexuality.org. The site quickly became a global gathering spot for asexuals. Suddenly, Jay was the face of a movement.

"This community is really new. The definition for asexuality was just added to the Webster's Dictionary in 2017."

Studies show about 1% of the population may be on the asexual spectrum. Jay's work is leading to wider acceptance of the community while helping demystify and destigmatize the sexual orientation.